Immigration Text Set
Possible standards this text set can also address:
3.C & G.2 Understand how diverse cultures are visible in local and regional communities
4/H.2 Understand how notable structures, symbols and place names are significant to North Carolina
4.C & G.2.2 Give examples of rights and responsibilities of citizens according to North Carolina Constitution
4.C.1.1 Explain how the settlement of people from various cultures affected the development of regions in North Carolina (languages, food, and tradition)
CCSS.ELA-LITERCY.RL.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the texts says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text
“The ability to consider multiple perspectives is at the heart of a democratic classroom for students to share their voices and to reflect on ways of thinking about the world beyond their own” (Edwards, WOW Stories, n.d.).
Wishtree is a fiction book that embodies a theme of understanding differences in understanding and beliefs of immigration and that once we accept each other’s background, we are a whole community. Who knew readers could connect to the main character, a tree. I believe that the optimism and hope that Red had in making a difference in someone’s life that was being publicly marginalized was an example in being able to reflect in the real world.
My Two Blanket is a beautifully written and illustrated fiction story that was representative on a real life experience of a girl learning a new language in a new country. The embodiment of loneliness and overwhelming emotions by the main character (Cartwheel) who had to adapt to living in a new country. The relationship developed between a new friend who welcomed Cartwheel and wanted to help her understand the new language brings the idea of being inclusive.
Her Right Foot is a nonfiction text that represents not only the who, what, when, how of the Statue of Liberty, but the why. Since the Statue of Liberty is a main monument and symbol of the United States, the author represents and allows the reader to reflect on what she means to the U.S. and how readers can continue the message of supporting those who have immigrated.
How can these become a text set?
Through this specific text set, it is important that students feel comfortable in being able to communicate their own thoughts and opinions regarding immigration. According to Jennifer Serravallo (2015), we need to allow reader to “talk between and across texts”. Specifically with this text set that portrays different representations and perspectives of immigration from authors, students are able to discuss the main themes, commonalities and differences between the texts, and develop their opinions. Below is the exemplar anchor chart associated with helping students analyze a text set.

The main goal is to have students develop an analysis of each author’s portrayal of immigration topics and themes. By allowing students to discuss the texts separately and then altogether, it develops an ability to analyze a topic and also develop a critical lens on how the authors and illustrators corresponded to the topic of immigration.
Developing a text set and allowing discussions on author’s background, purposeful writing, illustrations, metaphors, and themes can encourage students to analyze the backgrounds of authors and illustrators at the same time that they are comparing their own ideas.
Serravalllo, J. (2015) The Reading Strategies Book Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Readers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, p. 340.